This folder contains the datasets for the Semantic Reasoning Evaluation Challenge at ISWC'21. Every folder represents one sample dataset and contains the following files: * clg_XXX.nt - The actual triples of the dataset in N-triple format (for some datasets alternatively in Turtle format) * clg_XXX-assertions-transitive-types.nt - The transitive type assertions that can be inferred from the dataset by a reasoner * clg_XXX-assertions-relations.nt - The assertions to individuals and to literals that can be inferred from the dataset by a reasoner * clg_XXX_ELK.owl - Realization output of the ELK reasoner for the dataset * clg_XXX_HermiT.owl - Realization output of the HermiT reasoner for the dataset (if available) * clg_XXX_Pellet.owl - Realization output of the Pellet reasoner for the dataset (if available) * log_elk-hermit.txt - Log file of running ELK and HermiT reasoners * log_pellet.txt - Log file of running the Pellet reasoner The folder SemREC-2022-Datasets contains challenge datasets for the participants of the 2022 edition of SemREC.