# started 2014-08-17T08:57:10Z "The Scots Naitional Pairtie is a poleitical pairty in Scotland, campainin for Scots unthirldom. It is a social-democratic pairty. Syne the Scots elections in 2007 the pairty wis in minority government in the Scots Pairlament. In 2011, the SNP wun a majority o the seats of Scotland's Pairliment. It is the biggest single pairty or bodie in Scotland campainin.The pairty wis staiblisht in 1934 frae a comin-thegither o the Naitional Pairty o Scotland an the Scots Pairty. It won its first pairlamentary seat in a 1945 by-election (tae the Wastmeinster pairlament). Thay'v sax seats in the Hoose o Commons.The pairty's convener is Alex Salmond. He is the current First Meinister o Scotland, heidin a majority government. He is heidyin o the Scots Naitional Pairty (SNP), Member o Parliament for the constituency o Banff an Buchan, an the Member o the Scots Parliament for Gordon. The pairty's chief in the Scots Pairlament for e nou is depute convener Nicola Sturgeon."@en . "The Wadensday is the day o the week atween Tysday an Fuirsday. Its name comes fae the Auld Inglis \u01F7\u00F3dnesd\u00E6\u021D, meanin the day o Woden. The astrological sign o the warld Mercury represents Wadensday, an wis Dies Mercurii tae the Romans. In Scots, this becam Woden's Day acause the Roman god Mercury wis identified wi the Germanic god Woden in northren Europe.Whan Sunday is taen as the first day o the week, the day in the middle o the eftergangin week is Wadensday. In the German, the name for Wadensday haes been Mittwoch (literally: \"mid-week\") sin the 10t century, cause it displaced the oreiginal name: Wodanstag.Wadensday is in the middle o the common warkin week fae Monanday tae Fryday forby. Hooivver, see Fuirsday an ISO 8601.In the popular rime, \"Wadensday's bairn is fou wi wae\".In the Spainyie, mi\u00E9rcoles is uised tae mean Wadensday, bit forby a hauf-rude euphemism for niver iver. A Inglis leid eediom for Wadensday is \"hump day\", a reference tae makkin it throu the middle o the warkweek as gettin \"ower the hump\".Quakers tradeitionally caas Wadensday the \"Fowert Day\" eschewin the \"heathen\" oreegin o the name \"Wadensday\"."@en . "Scots unthirldom is the poleetical muivement that thinks Scotland shoud poleetical sinder itsel frae the Unitit Kinrick, an become an unthirlt kintra wi ane govrenment an a sovereign pairlament. The main uphauders o this idea is the Scottis Naitional Pairtie, altho the'r ither muivements in Scotland that uphaud unthirldom, sic as the Scots Socialist Pairty, Scots Green Pairty, an ither smawer groups. A lairge pairt o this muivement, maistlins athin the SNP, wants tae see a Scotland closer tae the European Union, in siller-union wi ither EU kintras, in the Euro currency. Houaniver, maist o the smawer groups, e.g. the Greens, isna for this idea.The current SNP govrenment wha first came tae pour in 2007 as minority govrenment nou hae a majority in pairlament an plan tae haud a referendum oan unthirldom in Hairst 2014.The Aye an Naw campaigns hae baith lenched, the Aye campaign wis cawed \"Aye Scotland\" an the Naw campaign wis cawed \"Better Thegither\".Oan 15 October 2012, the Unitit Kinrick an Scots govrenments cam tae a greement oan the legal base o the referendum whit is cried the Edinburgh Greement."@en . "(The) Flouer o Scotland (Inglis (The) Flower of Scotland; Gaelic (An) Fl\u00F9ir na h-Alba) is the unoffeecial naitional sang o Scotland. It wis written bi Roy Williamson o the fowk baund The Corries in the 1960s. Scotland disna hae an offeecial naitional sang o its ain (offeecially the sang o the Unitit Kinrick, God Save the Queen, is uised); houaniver, the sang is aftentimes uised at sportin events an the like. It competes wi Scotland the Brave for this poseetion."@en . "Europe is geologically an geographically a hauf-island, takkin up the wastrenmaist pairt o Eurasie. It is for ordinar conseedert a continent, that, in this case, is mair a cultural nor a geographic differ. It is bund in the north bi the Airctic Ocean, in the wast bi the Atlantic Ocean, in the sooth bi the Mediterranean Sea an the Black Sea, an in the east bi the Ural Muntains an the Caspian Sea.Gin conseedert a continent, Europe is the seicont-wee-est continent in the warld bi area, wi an area o 10,600,000 km\u00B2 (4,140,625 square miles), sicwice it is mair lairger nor only Australie. In population it is the thrid-lairgest continent efter Asie an Africae. The population o Europe is aboot 705,500,000: aboot 11% o the warld's population."@en . "Fife (Scots Gaelic: F\u00ECobh) is ane o the 32 cooncil auries o Scotland. It ligs atwein the Firth o Tay an the Firth o Forth. It is a tradeitional coontie o Scotland, an a lieutenancie aurie tae.Fife wis ane o the Pectish kingriks an is aye kent as the Kingrik o Fife. Fife maistlyk taks its name frae Fib or Fif, a 7t centurie Pectish king. He wis ane o the seivin sons o Cruithne, a warrior king that ruled ower a wyd aurie o auncient Scotland.Frae 1975 til 1996 Fife wis sindert intil thrie destriks: Dunfaurlin, Kirkcaldy, an North-Eist Fife. Sin 1996 the wark o thae destrik cooncils haes been cairrit oot bi Fife Cooncil."@en . "The Kirk o Scotland is the naitional kirk in Scotland. It is Presbyterian, an asinder frae the Anglican Kirk o Ingland. It is a stablisht kirk, as it is the offeecial kirk in Scotland, but it is a free kirk forby \u2014 that is, it isna a state kirk, an disna hae tae repone til the Scots or UK govrenments."@en . "Dundee (Scots Gaelic: D\u00F9n D\u00E8agh) is Scotland's fowert-mukkilest ceitie, on the nor'eist coast. The Ceitie o Dundee is ane o the 32 cooncil auries. Dundee ligs on the River Tay. It haes a population o aboot 150,000 fowk. It ligs on the basaut plug o a slokken volcano cried the Dundee Law.Dundee an the surroondin airts haes been woned frae the Airn Age. The port o Dundee uisst til export oo frae Angus. Eftir that, Dundee begoud ti mak juit. Duirin this tym, Jeely wis bein made in Dundee, alang wi the local furthsetters DC Thomson, wha mak the local wittinsblad The Courier an bairns' comics sik as The Beano an The Dandy. Dundee's tradeitional industries wis cried the 3 J's: Juit, Jeely an Jurnalism. Oot o the thrie, anerlie ane o the industries byds in Dundee. The furtsetters yit byds in Dundee the-day.Dundee is whyls cried \"The Ceitie o Diskiverie\", eftir the ship that tuik Captain Scott til the Antartic. The ship, cried the RRS Discovery, wis desyn'd an biggit in Dundee. The ship is nou stelt in the ceitie, an bruikit as a tourist attraction."@en . "The Scots Socialist Pairty (SSP) (Scottish Socialist Party in Inglis) is a faur-left poleetical pairty in Scotland. It staunds for socialist economics an Scots unthirldom. It haed sax CSPs electit tae the Scots Pairlament in 2003 but didna get onybody electit in the 2007 election."@en . "The Auld Alliance is the name gien til a series o treaties atween Scotland an Fraunce for mutual protection agin Ingland atween 1295 an 1560 (tho it shoud be merkit that Norawa wis involved in some o the earlier stents). The terms wisna the same in ilka treaty that wis gree'd on, but for ordinar thay held that gin ae kintra wis attackit bi Ingland, baith wad invade Ingland; an sic led tae the Battle o Flodden Field in 1513.It coud be seen frae 1165 when William the Lion addressit an ambassy tae Louis VII o France bat thinkin the first script o this alliance whilka hae been foond is the Treaty signit in Paris the 23 Octobre 1295 atween John Baliol's (awso ca'd \"John o Scotland\") representin fowks an Philippe le Bel. The 23 Februar 1296, Scots parliament ratifee th'Alliance treaty signit wi Fraunce.In 1326, Robert Bruce anewit the Alliance wi the treaty o Corbeil. In the XIVt an XVt centuries, the treaty wis invokit six times.Acause o this treaty, som French wirds entered in the Scots leid, an they were in baith senses cultural influence."@en . "The Scots Pairlament (Scottish Parliament in the Ingles; P\u00E0rlamaid na h-Alba in the Gaelic) is the devolved legislatur o Scotland. The oreeginal Scots Pairlament, or Estatis of Scotland, wis elidit in 1707 by the Act o Union, giein wey tae the new-foundit Pairlament o Great Breetain. The new Scots Pairlament wis establisht in 1999 unner the Scotland Act 1998, an the first gaitherin wis on 12t May, 1999. It can legislate on aw maiters binna thaim that's resert for the UK Pairlament in Wastmeenster, an haes the pouer tae mak Scots laws an chynge the level o income tax peyed by Scots ceetizens.The're 129 Commeesioners tae the Scots Pairlament (CSPs) the nou. CSPs is waled by a seestem o proportional representation, the Addeetional Member Seestem (AMS). 73 Comeesioners is waled in indiveedual constituencies, an 56 is waled frae regional pairty leets (7 CSPs the piece frae aicht regions)."@en . "Edinburgh (Ulster Scots: Eedinburra, Scots Gaelic: D\u00F9n \u00C8ideann; whiles cried Embra, Embro or Edinburrie an aw) is the caipital ceety o Scotland, an is the kintra's seicond lairgest ceety efter Glesga, that's 45 mile (72 km) tae the wast. It is the seivent lairgest ceety in the Unitit Kinrick. Edinburgh is ane o Scotland's 32 local govrenment cooncil auries (see: Ceety o Edinburgh) - this cooncil aurie includes urban Edinburgh an a 30 sq mile (78 sq km) landwaird aurie. In the census o 2001, there wis 448,625 indwallers. Locatit in the sooth-east o Scotland, Edinburgh liggs on the eist coast o Scotland's Central Belt, alang the Firth o Forth, nearhaun the North Sea. Awin tae its ruggit settin, muckle gaitherin o stane Medieval an Georgian airchitectur, it is aften thocht o (wi Venice an Prague) as ane o the thrie bonniest ceeties in the hale o Europe.It hes been the caipital ceety syne aboot 1437 (replacin Pairth), an is the hame o the Scots Pairlament. The ceety wis ane o the heidmaist centres o the Enlichtenment, led bi the Varsity o Edinburgh, an sic thinkers as Dauvit Hume, Adam Smith, James Hutton an mony ithers, giein it the byname The Athens o the North. The Auld Toun an New Toun o Edinburgh wis leetit as a UNESCO Warld Heritage Steid in 1995. The ceety haes mair nor 4500 listit biggins."@en . "For mair airticles adae wi fowk, steids an things in Scotland tak a keek at category:Scotland.Scotland (Gaelic: Alba, Inglis: Scotland) is a kintra in nor-wast Europe, an is ane o the fower kintras that maks the Unitit Kinrick. It taks up the northren thrid o the Breetish island. Scotland haes til its sooth the laund o Ingland, an is bund bi the German Ocean til the eist an the Atlantic Ocean til the north an wast. It aforetyms wis a free kinrik, but than Scotland gaed intil a personal union wi Ingland in 1603, whan Jeams VI o Scotland becam Jeams I o Ingland eftir the daith o Elspeth I. This union wis makkit formal on 1 Mey 1707 bi the Treatie o Union. The Scots Pairlament wis gotten rid o on 26 Mairch. The union southert baith kinriks, makkin the Kinrick o Great Breetain, wi a new singil Pairlament haudden in Wastmeinster, Lunnon, but sum pairts o Scotland's institutions, merkit the laund's naitional kirk an skuilin an legal seistems, wis hauden apairt. In 1801, Scotland becam ane o the thrie launds o the Unitit Kinrick, alang wi Ingland an Ireland (nou juist Northren Ireland). Wales is nou seen for uisal as anither laund, awtho it wis juist a principalitie o the kinrik o Ingland in 1707.In 1997, the Scots fowk voted ti hae a new pairlament, estaiblisht bi the UK govrenment in the Scotland Act 1998. The nou devolv'd Scots Pairlament haes been gien the pouer ti govren the laund on maist Scots maiters, but haesna ower mukkil pouer wi taxes, awtho it dis hae the pouer ti chynge the UK incum tax rate bi 3p in the poond.Scotland's size is maistlie that estaiblisht bi the 1237 Treatie o York atwein Scotland an Ingland an the 1266 Treatie o Perth atwein Scotland an Norawa. Exceptions is the Isle o Mann, that is nou a croun dependencie ootwi the Unitit Kinrick, Orkney an Shetland, that is nou Scots raither nor Dens, an Barwick, that wis defined as subjek til the laws o Ingland bi the 1746 Wales an Barwick Act.The patron saunt o Scotland is Saunt Andra, an St. Andra's Day is on 30 November but it haesna been mukkil celebratit syn the Reformation."@en . "The Unitit Kinrick o Great Breetain an Northren Ireland (UK), or Claught K\u00E4ngrick o Docht Br\u00E4tain an Norlin Airlann (CK) in Ulst\u00E8r-Scotch, (Inglis: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) is a sovrein state in wastren Europe.The UK is a poleetical union o fower kintras: Ingland, Wales an Scotland oan the iland o Great Breetain; an Northren Ireland on the iland o Ireland, alang wi ither ilands athort the warld.Northren Ireland is the anerlie pairt o the UK that haes a laundmairch, that it haes wi the Republic o Ireland. Apairt frae thon the UK is surroonded bi the Atlantic Ocean, the German Ocean, the Inglis Chainnel an the Erse Sie. The mukkilest iland, Great Breetain, is jyned ti Fraunce an Continental Europe bi the unnersie Chainel Tunnel.The UK haes a population o aboot 60 million. Maist fowk in the UK spaeks Inglis, but monie ither leids is spak.The caipital ceitie o the Unitit Kinrick is Lunnon, whilk ligs in the sooth-eist o Ingland. The Pairlament o the Unitit Kinrick is hauden at Wastmeinster in Lunnon. Houaniver, Scotland hauds its ain Pairlament (in Edinburgh) an Wales an Northren Ireland thair ain legislative Assemblies forby (in Cairdiff an Belfast respekivlie)."@en . "Mey is the fift month o the year in the Gregorian Calendar an ane o the sieven Gregorian months wi 31 days."@en . "Juin is the saxt month o the year in the Gregorian Calendar an ane o fower wi 30 days."@en . "The Scots Gaelic leid (G\u00E0idhlig) is a Goidelic, Celtic leid an ane o the aulder leids o Scotland.It is a Q-Celtic leid that's spak in the northren pairt o Scotland (the Hielands an Islands ), an abreed in Canadae (Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia). It is sib tae the Erse an the Manx Gaelic, an tae the Welsh, Cornish an Breton forby. It wis spak in maist o the Lawlands an aw, as can be seen by literature an place names: Buchan \u2013 Buik o Deer, auldest beuk in the Scots Gaelic (Gaelic) Caithness \u2013 The Caithness book Gallowa & Ayrshire \u2013 Robert the Bruce an Walter Kennedy baith spak Scots Gaelic. Glesca \u2013 \"Auchenshuggle\", \"Govan\", \"Drumchapel\" etc. aw cam fae Scots Gaelic an aw. Glesca still haes a michty community the day o Gaels that speaks the Gaelic, an is hame tae the first Gaelic medium Secondary School."@en .