# started 2014-08-16T14:57:07Z "The Scots Naitional Pairtie is a poleitical pairty in Scotland, campainin for Scots unthirldom. It is a social-democratic pairty. Syne the Scots elections in 2007 the pairty wis in minority government in the Scots Pairlament. In 2011, the SNP wun a majority o the seats of Scotland's Pairliment. It is the biggest single pairty or bodie in Scotland campainin.The pairty wis staiblisht in 1934 frae a comin-thegither o the Naitional Pairty o Scotland an the Scots Pairty."@en . "The Wadensday is the day o the week atween Tysday an Fuirsday. Its name comes fae the Auld Inglis \u01F7\u00F3dnesd\u00E6\u021D, meanin the day o Woden. The astrological sign o the warld Mercury represents Wadensday, an wis Dies Mercurii tae the Romans. In Scots, this becam Woden's Day acause the Roman god Mercury wis identified wi the Germanic god Woden in northren Europe.Whan Sunday is taen as the first day o the week, the day in the middle o the eftergangin week is Wadensday."@en . "Scots unthirldom is the poleetical muivement that thinks Scotland shoud poleetical sinder itsel frae the Unitit Kinrick, an become an unthirlt kintra wi ane govrenment an a sovereign pairlament. The main uphauders o this idea is the Scottis Naitional Pairtie, altho the'r ither muivements in Scotland that uphaud unthirldom, sic as the Scots Socialist Pairty, Scots Green Pairty, an ither smawer groups."@en . "(The) Flouer o Scotland (Inglis (The) Flower of Scotland; Gaelic (An) Fl\u00F9ir na h-Alba) is the unoffeecial naitional sang o Scotland. It wis written bi Roy Williamson o the fowk baund The Corries in the 1960s. Scotland disna hae an offeecial naitional sang o its ain (offeecially the sang o the Unitit Kinrick, God Save the Queen, is uised); houaniver, the sang is aftentimes uised at sportin events an the like. It competes wi Scotland the Brave for this poseetion."@en . "Europe is geologically an geographically a hauf-island, takkin up the wastrenmaist pairt o Eurasie. It is for ordinar conseedert a continent, that, in this case, is mair a cultural nor a geographic differ."@en . "Fife (Scots Gaelic: F\u00ECobh) is ane o the 32 cooncil auries o Scotland. It ligs atwein the Firth o Tay an the Firth o Forth. It is a tradeitional coontie o Scotland, an a lieutenancie aurie tae.Fife wis ane o the Pectish kingriks an is aye kent as the Kingrik o Fife. Fife maistlyk taks its name frae Fib or Fif, a 7t centurie Pectish king."@en . "The Kirk o Scotland is the naitional kirk in Scotland. It is Presbyterian, an asinder frae the Anglican Kirk o Ingland. It is a stablisht kirk, as it is the offeecial kirk in Scotland, but it is a free kirk forby \u2014 that is, it isna a state kirk, an disna hae tae repone til the Scots or UK govrenments."@en . "Dundee (Scots Gaelic: D\u00F9n D\u00E8agh) is Scotland's fowert-mukkilest ceitie, on the nor'eist coast. The Ceitie o Dundee is ane o the 32 cooncil auries. Dundee ligs on the River Tay. It haes a population o aboot 150,000 fowk. It ligs on the basaut plug o a slokken volcano cried the Dundee Law.Dundee an the surroondin airts haes been woned frae the Airn Age. The port o Dundee uisst til export oo frae Angus. Eftir that, Dundee begoud ti mak juit."@en . "The Scots Socialist Pairty (SSP) (Scottish Socialist Party in Inglis) is a faur-left poleetical pairty in Scotland. It staunds for socialist economics an Scots unthirldom. It haed sax CSPs electit tae the Scots Pairlament in 2003 but didna get onybody electit in the 2007 election."@en . "The Auld Alliance is the name gien til a series o treaties atween Scotland an Fraunce for mutual protection agin Ingland atween 1295 an 1560 (tho it shoud be merkit that Norawa wis involved in some o the earlier stents)."@en . "The Scots Pairlament (Scottish Parliament in the Ingles; P\u00E0rlamaid na h-Alba in the Gaelic) is the devolved legislatur o Scotland. The oreeginal Scots Pairlament, or Estatis of Scotland, wis elidit in 1707 by the Act o Union, giein wey tae the new-foundit Pairlament o Great Breetain. The new Scots Pairlament wis establisht in 1999 unner the Scotland Act 1998, an the first gaitherin wis on 12t May, 1999."@en . "Edinburgh (Ulster Scots: Eedinburra, Scots Gaelic: D\u00F9n \u00C8ideann; whiles cried Embra, Embro or Edinburrie an aw) is the caipital ceety o Scotland, an is the kintra's seicond lairgest ceety efter Glesga, that's 45 mile (72 km) tae the wast. It is the seivent lairgest ceety in the Unitit Kinrick. Edinburgh is ane o Scotland's 32 local govrenment cooncil auries (see: Ceety o Edinburgh) - this cooncil aurie includes urban Edinburgh an a 30 sq mile (78 sq km) landwaird aurie."@en . "For mair airticles adae wi fowk, steids an things in Scotland tak a keek at category:Scotland.Scotland (Gaelic: Alba, Inglis: Scotland) is a kintra in nor-wast Europe, an is ane o the fower kintras that maks the Unitit Kinrick. It taks up the northren thrid o the Breetish island. Scotland haes til its sooth the laund o Ingland, an is bund bi the German Ocean til the eist an the Atlantic Ocean til the north an wast."@en . "The Unitit Kinrick o Great Breetain an Northren Ireland (UK), or Claught K\u00E4ngrick o Docht Br\u00E4tain an Norlin Airlann (CK) in Ulst\u00E8r-Scotch, (Inglis: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) is a sovrein state in wastren Europe.The UK is a poleetical union o fower kintras: Ingland, Wales an Scotland oan the iland o Great Breetain; an Northren Ireland on the iland o Ireland, alang wi ither ilands athort the warld.Northren Ireland is the anerlie pairt o the UK that haes a laundmairch, that it haes wi the Republic o Ireland. "@en . "Mey is the fift month o the year in the Gregorian Calendar an ane o the sieven Gregorian months wi 31 days."@en . "Juin is the saxt month o the year in the Gregorian Calendar an ane o fower wi 30 days."@en . "The Scots Gaelic leid (G\u00E0idhlig) is a Goidelic, Celtic leid an ane o the aulder leids o Scotland.It is a Q-Celtic leid that's spak in the northren pairt o Scotland (the Hielands an Islands ), an abreed in Canadae (Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia). It is sib tae the Erse an the Manx Gaelic, an tae the Welsh, Cornish an Breton forby."@en . "Julie is the sievent month o the year in the Gregorian Calendar an ane o the sieven Gregorian months wi 31 days."@en . "August is the aicht month o the year in the Gregorian Calendar an ane o the sieven Gregorian months wi 31 days."@en . "September is the nint month o the year in the Gregorian Calendar an ane o the fower Gregorian months wi 30 days."@en . "A Kirk is a curn o Christian fowk wi a common wey o wirshippin God. It is aft uised as the name o the biggin (see chaipel) that is uised for prayer an services an aa. Monie kirks haes howfs forby (lik the ane in the pictur on the richt)."@en . "October is the tent month o the year in the Gregorian Calendar an ane o the sieven Gregorian months wi 31 days."@en . "Glesga (Inglis: Glasgow; Scots Gaelic: Glaschu) is Scotland's maist muckle ceity, on the River Clyde in wast-central Scotland. Folk in the wast o Scotland ken it as Glesga or Glesca an folk fae the east maistly caw it Glesga or Glesgae."@en . "November is the elievent month o the year in the Gregorian Calendar an ane o the fower Gregorian months wi 30 days."@en . "This is a cutty version o the Internaitional Phonetic ABC for Scots soonds."@en . "December (Whiles Dizember) is the twalt an hindermaist month o the year in the Gregorian Calendar an ane o the sieven Gregorian months wi 31 days. Christenmas"@en . "The Scots Spellin Comatee (1996\u20131998) attempted tae estaiblish a mair staundart spellin seestem for the Scots leid. Thay wrocht the Report an Recommends o the Scots Spellin Comatee or RRSSC."@en . "The Fuirsday is the day o the week atween Wadensday an Fryday. The name Fuirsday comes fae the Auld Inglis \u00DEunresd\u00E6g, meanin the day o \u00DEunor, forby kent in Inglis as Thor.Bi some conventions (see ISO 8601), the Fuirsdays o a towmond determine the hantlin o the weeks: week 1 is the week at his in it the first Fuirsday o the towmond, an sae on. In the Inglis warld, some haes taen up an acronym for Fuirsday, akin tae Fryday's T.G.I.F., an says \"So Happy It's Thursday\", or S.H.I.T."@en . "In phonetics, an allophone is ane amang mony seemilar phones that's ocht the same phoneme. A phone is a soond that's soond swaw haes a definite shape, altho a phoneme is a basic group o soonds that disteenguishes wirds (i.e. chynging ae phoneme in ae wird brings forrit anither wird); speakers o a parteecular leid perceives a phoneme as a single kenspeckle soond in that leid. Fae this, an allophone is a phone thocht on as a member o the ae phoneme."@en . "In phonetics, a diphthong (Greek \u03B4\u03AF\u03C6\u03B8\u03BF\u03B3\u03B3\u03BF\u03C2, \"diphthongos\", meanin wi twa soonds) is a the gaun-thegither o twa vouels, for ordinar wi a swith but sliddery muivement fae the tae vouel tae the tither, aft interpret bi listeners as a single vouel soond or phoneme.Altho \"pure\" vouels, or monophthongs, is hauden tae hae the ae tairget tongue poseetion, diphthongs haes a muivin tongue.Pure vouels is pitten ower in the Internaitional Phonetic ABC wi the ae seembol.For example the in whit [\u028D\u026At] or [\u028D\u028Ct]Diphthongs is pitten ower wi twa seembols, for example the in wynd [w\u0259ind].Here the twa vouel seembols is mynt tae shaw the ewest beginninan endin tongue poseetions.See forbyIPA chairt for Scots"@en . "In lingueestics, a morpheme is the wee-est pairt o a wird that cairies ocht that gies a semantic unnerstaundin. Morphemes is, for ordinar, a kenspeckle pittin thegither o phonemes (as the lowse furm haund or the bund form s in haunds) haein nae wee-er meaninfu members.Scots example:The wird wanchancy haes three morphemes, the (negatory) bund morpheme wan, the lowse morpheme chance an y. Wan is a prefix an y is a suffix. The baith is affixes."@en . "The Scots Vouel-Lenth Rule, kent as Aitken's Law forby, efter Professor Jack Aitken, wha first pit it ower in a mensefu mainer, descrieves hou vouel lenth in Scots is condeetiont bi its environs. (Phonetics in IPA.)The rule affects aw vouels in central dialects, tho in dialects ootwi central Scotland some vouels bides unaffectit. [\u0259],[\u026A],[\u028C],[\u025B] and [a] is for ordinar short. [e], [i], [o], [u] an [\u00F8] is for ordinar lang: in stresst seelables afore [v], [\u00F0], [z], [\u0292] an [r]."@en . "In spoken leids, a phoneme is a basic, theoretical unit o soond that disteenguishes wirds (that is, bi chyngin a phoneme in ae wird, the ootcome is anither wird that's meanin differs). The phoneme is a basic soond lith, that's lingueestic function is tae disteenguish the morphemes o a wird. Phonemes isna pheesical soonds, but abstractions. Phonemes is for ordinar seen as a faimlie o phones, that's seen as a single soond, an is pitten ower wi a common seembol."@en . "Friday is the day o the week atween Fuirsday an Setturday. Its name comes fae the goddess Frige o Germanic mythologie.In maist areas wi a five-day wirkin week, Friday is the hindmaist warkday afore the weekend an is therefore leukit on as a cause for celebration or relief, leadin tae the sayin TGIF, an abbreviation for Thank God It's Friday or Thank Goodness It's Friday."@en . "Phone is a hamelt term for telephone.In phonetics an phonology, a phone is a speech soond conseedert as a pheesical event athoot regaird tae its place in the soond seestem semantics o a langage. A soond lith that haes kenspeckle acoustic properties. A pairteecular kythin o a speech soond lith. The basic soond unit shawn fae phonetic speech analysis. Phonetic seembology is hauden athin square ([ ]) brackets."@en . "For Ian McEwan's 2005 novel, see Saturday (novel).Setturday is the day o the week atween Friday an Sunday. Its name is the ae ane amang the names o days, in that it cams fae the Roman god Saturn, while the ither six names is derived fae Saxon gods.By tradeetion comin fae the ancient Jews, Setturday is the hindmaist day o the week."@en . "Ane Pleastant Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis is a sateirical morality play wrate by Scots makar Dauvit Lyndsay an first pit on i 1552 i Linlithgow, though no prentit until 1602. Ane o the Satyre's disteinguishin features is is haein faircical comic, awmaist slapstick, interludes, that micht no hae been pairt o the oreiginal wark."@en . "This is a list o