# started 2014-08-16T14:58:28Z "Art is an activity or creation by people that has importance because of an attraction to the human senses. Art is made when a human expresses himself or herself. Some art is useful in a practical sense, such as a sculptured clay bowl that one can put things in. Many people disagree on how to define art. Many people say people are driven to make art due to their inner creativity. Art includes drawing, painting, sculpting, photography, performance art, dance, music, poetry, prose and theatre."@en . "Spain is divided in 17 parts called autonomous communities. Autonomous means that each of these autonomous communities has its own Executive Power, its own Legislative Power and its own Judicial Power. These are similar, but NOT the same, to states in the United States of America, for example.Spain has fifty smaller parts called provinces. In 1978 these parts came together, making the autonomous communities. Before then, some of these provinces were together but were broken. The groups that were together once before are called \"historic communities\": Catalonia, Basque Country, Galicia and Andalusia.The Spanish language is the official language in every autonomous commmunity but six, which also have other official languages: Catalonia (Catalan and Occitan) Valencian Community (Catalan, also called Valencian there) Balearic Islands (Catalan) Galicia (Galician) Basque Country (Basque) Navarre (Basque, but only in the north)List of the autonomous communities, with their Capital city (the place where the government has its offices): Andalusia (its capital is Sevilla) Aragon (its capital is Zaragoza) Asturias (its capital is Oviedo) Balearic Islands (its capital is Palma de Mallorca) Basque Country (its capital is Vitoria) Canary Islands (they have two capitals - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife) Cantabria (its capital is Santander) Castile-La Mancha (its capital is Toledo) Castile and Le\u00F3n (its capital is Valladolid) Catalonia (its capital is Barcelona) Extremadura (its capital is M\u00E9rida) Galicia (its capital is Santiago de Compostela) La Rioja (its capital is Logro\u00F1o) Community of Madrid (its capital is Madrid) Region of Murcia (its capital is Murcia) Navarre (its capital is Pamplona) Valencian Community (its capital is Valencia)Spain also has two cities on the north coast of Africa: Ceuta and Melilla. They are called \"autonomous cities\" and have simultaneously the majority of the power of an autonomous community and also power of provinces and power of municipalities."@en . "Addition is the mathematical way of putting things together."@en . "Aquaculture is the farming of fish, shrimp, and algae. Aquaculture supplies fish, such as catfish, salmon, and trout. Aquaculture was developed a long time ago in China and aquaculture supplies over 20% of all the seafood harvested. However aquaculture is quite a new activity in Canada as it only began in 1879. It is- in simpler terms- the farming of seafood."@en . "An abbreviation is a shorter way to write a word or phrase. People use abbreviations for words that they write a lot. The English language occasionally uses the apostrophe mark ' to show that a word is written in a shorter way, but some abbreviations do not use this mark. More often, they use periods, especially the ones that come from the Latin language. Common Latin abbreviations include i.e. [id est] that is, e.g. [exempli gratia] for example, and et al. [et alia] and others.Some new abbreviations have been created by scientists, by workers in companies and governments, and by people using the Internet. People often think words are abbreviations when in fact they are acronyms.Here are examples of common acronyms: The word \"radar\" is an acronym for \"Radio Detection and Ranging\". The name of the large computer company IBM comes from the words \"International Business Machines\". The name of the part of the United States government that sends rockets into outer space is NASA, from the words \"National Aeronautics and Space Administration\". When people using the Internet think that something is very funny, they sometimes write \"LOL\" to mean \"Laughing Out Loud\". People sometimes write \"ASAP\" for \"As Soon As Possible\"."@en . "American English or United States English is the dialect of English language spoken in the United States. It is different in some ways from other variations of English, such as British English. Historically, many types of American English can be found in old local dialects of England.Many people today know about American English even if they live in a country where another form of English is spoken. This is partly because people hear and read American English via the media, for example CNN television, and the Internet, where the most common form of English is American English.Because people all over the world use American English as well as other versions of English the English language can add new words. English has been changing for centuries, adding new words to its vocabulary. For example, the English language spoken in India, which has more than one billion people, will add more American English words to go along with its British English base and many other words adopted into English usage in India from any of the 200+ Indian languages.Sometimes people will learn American English as it is spoken in America. For example, in telephone call centers in India and other places, people often learn American English in order to sound more like their customers who call India from America. These people often continue to use American English in everyday life.Many word definitions are different in American English. Most changes in a language start with small things. For instance Italian, Spanish, and French all came from Latin."@en . "Andouille is a type of pork sausage. It is spicy (hot in taste) and smoked. There are different kinds, all with different combinations of pork meat, fat, intestines (tubes going to the stomach), and tripe (the wall of the stomach). Andouille sausage first came from France or Germany (no-one is sure), but the name indicates that it may have come out from France, and the most famous sort in the USA is the \"Cajun\" style. Other sorts are \"French andouille\" and \"German andouille\"; they are less spicy than Cajun. Cajun has extra salt, black pepper, and garlic. Andouille makers smoke the sausages over pecan wood and sugar cane for a maximum of seven or eight hours, at about 175 degrees Fahrenheit (80 degrees Celsius)."@en . "Ad hominem is a Latin term. It is used in rhetoric. Rhetoric is the science of how to speak well, and how to convince other people of your ideas. Translated to English, ad hominem means against the person (Latin homo, where hominem is a form is gender-neutral. In ancient Rome it referred to all free men, and by extension to all free human beings). The term is used to describe a rhetorical argument, that is directed towards the person who says something, not about the cause at hand. It is a way to use reputation and rumour and hearsay to change minds.When a social network has already excluded or exiled one person, or applied a label to them, this works more often.Because it works and is also unfair to everyone who would benefit from what they say, it is considered to be a weak or poor argument. Formal disapproval of those who use it is common in a court or in diplomacy, where danger is high."@en . "Arithmetic is a name for working with numbers. It is a part of mathematics. The four basic arithmetic operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These are the first two natural hyperoperations and their inverses.Harder arithmetic includes working with signed numbers, fractions, and decimals, and taking powers and roots.Most people learn arithmetic in primary school, but some people do not learn arithmetic and others forget the arithmetic they learned. Many jobs require a knowledge of arithmetic, and many employers complain that it is hard to find people who know enough arithmetic. A few of the many jobs that require arithmetic include carpenters, plumbers, auto mechanics, accountants, architects, doctors, and nurses. Arithmetic is needed in all areas of mathematics, science, and engineering. A calculator can be used to do arithmetic."@en . "In many mythologies and religions, an angel is a good spirit. The word angel comes from the Greek word angelos which means \"messenger\". Angels appear frequently in the Old Testament, the New Testament, Qur'an and Aqdas."@en . "April is the fourth month of the year, and comes between March and May. It has 30 days. April begins on the same day of week as July in all years and also January in leap years.April's flowers are the Sweet Pea and Daisy. Its birthstone is the diamond. The meaning of the diamond is innocence."@en . "Farming is growing crops or keeping animals by people for food and raw materials. Farming is a part of agriculture."@en . "Anatomy is the study of the bodies of living beings. This can be people, animals, or plants. It is like taking the body apart, and looking at its parts (organs, muscles and bones). People who study anatomy then look where a certain organ (or bone, or muscle) should be, or where it normally is.The history of anatomy dates back to 1600 BCE when Egyptians began studying human anatomy. They discovered the functions of many organs like the liver, spleen, kidneys, heart etc. and were the first to discover the structure and functions of the lymphatic system.Academic human anatomists are usually employed by universities, medical schools or teaching hospitals. They are often involved in teaching anatomy, and research into certain systems, organs, tissues or cells."@en . "Astronomy is the study of the universe and everything in it. This includes stars, planets and galaxies as well as other things. The word astronomy comes from the Greek words astron which means star and nomos which means law. A person who studies astronomy is called an astronomer.Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Ancient people used the positions of the stars to navigate, and to find when was the best time to plant crops. Astronomy is very similar to astrophysics. Since the 20th century there have been two main types of astronomy, Observational and Theoretical astronomy. Observational astronomy uses telescopes and cameras to observe or look at stars, galaxies and other astronomical objects. Theoretical astronomy uses maths and computer models to predict what should happen. The two often work together, the theoretical predicts what should happen and the observational shows whether the prediction works. Astronomy is not the same as astrology, the belief that the patterns the stars and the planets may affect human lives."@en . "Algebra is a part of mathematics (often called math in the United States and maths in the United Kingdom ). It uses variables to represent a value that is not yet known. When an equals sign (=) is used, this is called an equation. A very simple equation using a variable is: 2 + 3 = x In this example, x = 5, or it could also be said, \"x is five\". This is called solving for x. Besides equations, there are inequalities (less than and greater than). A special type of equation is called the function. This is often used in making graphs.Algebra can be used to solve real problems because the rules of algebra work in real life and numbers can be used to represent the values of real things. Physics, engineering and computer programming are areas that use algebra all the time. It is also useful to know in surveying, construction and business, especially accounting.People who do algebra need to know the rules of numbers and mathematic operations used on numbers, starting with adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. More advanced operations involve exponents, starting with squares and square roots. Many of these rules can also be used on the variables, and this is where it starts to get interesting.Algebra was first used to solve equations and inequalities. Two examples are linear equations (the equation of a line, y=mx+b) and quadratic equations, which has variables that are squared (power of two, a number that is multiplied by itself, for example: 2*2, 3*3, x*x). How to factor polynomials is needed for quadratic equations."@en . "Architecture is a term that means either the science of the design of structures or buildings such as houses, places of worship, office buildings, or the profession of an architect. A person must study at an institution of higher education to become an architect. Architecture can be about small designs such as a garage or large designs such as a whole city. Architecture often overlaps with civil engineering, and architects and civil engineers often work together."@en . "An atom is the basic unit that makes up all matter. There are many different types of atoms, each with its own name, mass and size. These different types of atoms are called chemical elements. The chemical elements are organized on the periodic table. Examples of elements are hydrogen and gold. Atoms are very small, but the exact size changes depending on the element. Atoms range from 0.1 to 0.5 nanometers in width. One nanometer is around 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. This makes atoms impossible to see without special tools. Equations must be used to see the way they work and how they interact with other atoms. Atoms come together to make molecules or particles: for example, two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom combine to make a water molecule, a form of a chemical reaction. Atoms themselves are made up of three kinds of smaller particles, called protons, neutrons and electrons. The protons and neutrons are in the middle of the atom. They are called the nucleus. The nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of electrons with a negative charge which are bound to the nucleus by an electromagnetic force. Protons and neutrons are made up of even smaller particles called quarks. Electrons are elementary or fundamental particles; they cannot be split into smaller parts. The number of protons, neutrons and electrons an atom has determines what element it is. Hydrogen, for example, has one proton, no neutrons and one electron; the element sulfur has 16 protons, 16 neutrons and 16 electrons.Atoms move faster when in gas form (as they are free to move) than liquid and solid matter. In solid materials the atoms are tightly next to each