1. Description: The Drug-Food Interaction dataset contains a list of drug-recipe pairs and their interaction, i.e., ``negative'' and ``neutral'' (Inferring Cuisine - Drug Interactions Using the Linked Data Approac, by M. Jovanovik). The dataset was retrieved from FinkiLOD (http://linkeddata.finki.ukim.mk/). Furthermore, each drug is linked to DrugBank (http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/drugbank/). We drew a stratified random sample of 2,000 instances from the complete dataset. When generating the features, we ignore the foodInteraction property in DrugBank, since it highly correlates with the target variable. 2. ML taks: classificaiton 3. Number of instances: -complete dataset: 602762 -sample: 2000 4. Original source: 5. Linked to: FinkiLOD (http://linkeddata.finki.ukim.mk/), DrugBank (http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/drugbank/) 6. Target variables -"label" (classification) 7. Stratified data split (training/test): -complete dataset: TrainingSet.tsv (70%) and TestSet.tsv (30%) -sample dataset: TrainingSet(sample).tsv (80%) and TestSet(sample).tsv (20%)